Emergence Of The Republican Party Essay

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There are many forces that led to the emergence of the republican party but if you were to separate three main reasons as of to why it began in the first place you would easily categorize the reasons as social, political, and economic forces. The Republican party started off with the disappearance of the previously known party called the , “Whigs”. The successful introduction of the Kansas-Nebraska bill of 1854, caused the whigs the whigs disappeared. Around february anti-whigs came together to discuss new ideas on forming a new party which later began the Republic party. The first force that started the beginning of the republican party are the social aspects. Being anti-slavery or for slavery caused a lot of controversy between 1840 and 1850. This caused probably the biggest disagreement due to the fact that slavery was looked at as inhuman by most of the people in the north. So if most people were anti-slavery, sooner or later it would looked at as a reason to begin the new party that way they can put an end to it. The Republican party also advocated women's rights unlike no other party, causing many women to gain interest and support. …show more content…

Most republicans believed the biggest obstacle for african-americans was the fact that they were not given a chance to really show how hard they can work, and they weren't put into the society fairly. “Some republicans even insisted that the real issues between the parties was not the slavery at all but the degradation of labor.” (Foner 1970, 62). The previous quote goes to show the different types of people between the north and south. Most people in the north believed the slave labor was very wrong a lot of people got together to do what they could to make a better and equal union,hence forming the republican