Emily Dickinson Research Paper

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Emily Dickinson is an American poet that’s known worldwide. She is also known for her form of writing, the way she involves nature, love, and music, the voice we hear in her poems, and her intelligence. She is one of the most major figures in American literature! Emily Dickinson has lived a life no one else has lived, by this I mean the moment she was found dead, family members has found a total of nearly 1,800 poems. Later Dickinson has become famous, and all this time she has created art in our society. I admire Emily Dickinson, because all her life she has written every little detail of her life as poetry on pieces of paper.

It all started with Emily Dickinson’s birth. Young Emily Dickinson was born December 10, 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts. She attended school at age nine, and as a student she amazed her father with her studies at Amherst Academy. In her early life she lived with her father, Edward Dickinson, mother, Emily Noreross Dickinson and her two siblings, William …show more content…

Dickinson created forty fascicles which held a collection of eight hundred self written poems. According to www.biography.com/emily-dickinson, Dickinson didn’t attend college, because there was no opportunity, she didn’t have a choice, but to drop off of school and live with her family in the homestead. Young Emily, became famous after her death, and she wasn’t expecting that, she didn’t even knew things were gonna turn out that way. Anyways, she is an amazing American poet of all time, but never had the chance to realize that. One of her accomplishments in life, was to express her feelings in poetry, that is the reason why so many see her in some type of way, and why she became famous. All her poems were discovered, edited and last but not least published. She has lived through something special, any person cannot experience, because she is one and only. Those are the important things that Emily Dickinson has