Emily Doe Persuasive Speech

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“Three time all American swimmer found guilty of rape”. This is just one of the millions of stories surrounding rape as of late, and one of the only ones to actually be headlined in the news. However, this “Three time all American swimmer” isn’t being made to feel remorse for his crime, 3 months into a 6 month sentence Brock Turner was released for ‘good behaviour’ whilst his victim was made to wear the ‘cone of shame’, facing blame from the court, the rapists family and Stanford university where she attended. Her name is Emily Doe and she is where our future lies.

On January 17th 2015, an American woman known under the alias of Emily Doe was raped by 19 year old Brock Turner, he was charged in court 11 days later to which he pleaded not guilty …show more content…

But you see, if rape was about how revealing our clothes are, then rape rates would quadruple throughout summer. But they don’t. And if rape was about how much sex someone has had in their past, then virgins wouldn’t get raped. But they do. If rape was about how attractive a person is by conventional standards, then only thin, white, abled people would get raped. But they don’t. And if rape was about how much someone drank, then sober people wouldn’t get raped. But they do. Rape is never and will never be the victim’s …show more content…

Whilst these hashtags aren’t necessarily a law outlawing rape, they are incredibly powerful and motivating for victims. However these hashtags are often either seen as not credible evidence or as just some silly trend surfacing on the internet. But these ‘rape hashtags’ are not just a trend, they’re a chain reaction. Because one victim’s confession is able to give countless other victims the courage to speak up as well. By saying they’ve become a trend we are confining them to the sad corners of the internet of slime and funny cat videos, this is not what they deserve. Now I agree, rape victim stories can be very hard to read, they are frightening and emotionally draining but these stories show others they are not alone in their struggle. Rape stories detail the abuses that they suffered and how they managed to survive and succeed in recovering and regaining control of their lives. These beautiful, courageous victims deserve to have their voice heard and to be treated as an equal, rather than to have society “forgive them” for something so clearly not their