Emotional Intelligence And Criminal Behavior Essay

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The author of this research assessed the connection between emotional intelligence (EI) and criminal behavior. For many decades, the correspondence of criminal behavior has been studied on a considerable number of researches for a variety of disciplines such as psychology, sociology and criminology. Recently, these studies have centered in the relationship of this behavior with the intelligence and personality traits. This research is concentrated on the emotional intelligence of transgressors. As now, there exist a large number of studies that have evaluated the emotional intelligence on both, transgressors and nonoffenders population. However, a small amount of these studies has explored the transgressor population. Furthermore, in the cases …show more content…

This research centers its attention on these deficiencies by gathering a larger sample. The scope of this study was 200 Egyptians adult men, with not age differentiation or marital status, to which were voluntarily render the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i). Half of participants were transgressors convicted for theft, drug dealing or murder, the other half were nonoffenders – university employees and school teachers. The EQ-I, is a 133 items self-report employ to measure the emotional intelligence which not only supply a general score but breakdown the results of the five composite scales (intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, stress management, adaptability, and general mood) into other 15 subscales. After examine the EQ-i for the internal reliability and interscale correlations, the data collected was analyze to compare the different results obtained. In comparing both groups, transgressors and nonoffenders, the research found that felons scored less on the EQ-i total. In addition, significant differences were found when examine the variables on some scales and