
Employee Shadowing

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As many of you have noticed, our employee morale has decreased significantly. We have also seen an increase in turnover rates wand low productivity levels from all our new hires. Recently I scheduled meetings and focus groups to get to the root of the rising issues our company is facing. Our employees feel that we do not provide sufficient training to help them do their jobs. They are relying heavily on their co-workers to aid them through their work-day. They believe that our current training process of employee shadowing is outdated and do not reflect the learning styles of others. I suggest that we make changes to our training design process. I have gathered some research of innovative training modules that should be considered. …show more content…

(Managing Performance through Training and Development.) I also want them to be able to have a meaningful relationship with their trainers and other employees. I want the employees to acquire the training that ensures that they have verbal information and intellectual skills. The training module should also follow up on the training it is completed to ensure mistakes are reduced and work productivity is increased. I would want them to develop declarative knowledge, knowledge compilation and procedural knowledge. As in turn those employees will one day become the trainers when they have mastered each skill and duty of their job. I believe that overlearning will help achieve this. Employees should observe other behaviors, have a can do attitude and be able to manage their own behaviors. It will establish a sense of trust and acceptances from employees. It is also important to figure out what keeps them motivated to maintain their morale. Other success factors of blended learning include employees ' motivation, technological skills and time. To motivate employees to participate in blended learning, employees need to know that the content delivered by blended learning is both relevant and useful to their jobs. Pull and push strategies can be used, too (Moshinskie, 2001).Moshinskie (2001) describes push as requiring the completion of a course and monitoring progress. Pull strategies are an attempt to inspire the employees to utilize the training content and skills by providing interesting information prior to the training and keeping the training interactive and interesting. ("Blended Learning for Employee Training: Influencing Factors and Important

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