
Ender's Game Science Fiction Analysis

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Ender’s Game, A Science Fiction Novel with a Twist
Science fiction intrigues readers by placing humanity into fascinating situations not encountered before and convinces the reader that these circumstances could happen in reality (Baldick 230). Future events and advancements in technology, depicted in sci-fi novels, give the reader an increased sense of wonder and perspective. A pioneer in the field of science fiction was H. G. Wells for his famous classics, The War of the Worlds and The Time Machine (231). A contemporary model of science fiction is Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. The novel poses a possible futuristic society with technological advancements and encounters with a rival alien species. Ender’s Game applies the conventions of science fiction by taking place in a realistic and potential future, and by introducing an extraterrestrial race. However, it goes beyond the standard conventions by making the authoritative figures the enemy instead of the aliens.
Science fiction allows readers to explore the possibilities of humanity's future for better or worse (2Card 17). …show more content…

Though, it goes past the ordinary conventions by making the commanding officers the opponent instead of the aliens. Ender’s game portrays a possible society where governments are in more control over its civilians and some of the technological advancements in the novel are similar to today’s technology. The novel also introduces the reader to a misjudged alien race where humans see these strange beings as a threat and wish to annihilate them. Ender is tricked into destroying their entire race causing the humans to become the true alien invaders. Science fiction is a captivating genre that creates an escape from the real world, while at the same time making the reader wonder if the world portrayed could be coming in the near

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