Ender's Game Theme Essay

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"Ender's Game," written by Orson Scott Card, is a captivating science fiction novel that explores the intricate nature of morality. Set in a futuristic world, the story follows the journey of a young prodigy named Ender Wiggin as he is trained to become a military genius. Throughout the novel, Card raises thought-provoking questions about the ethical choices individuals face in times of war. The book challenges readers, including tenth graders like myself, to contemplate the multifaceted aspects of morality and the consequences of one's actions.

In "Ender's Game," morality is not depicted as a simple black-and-white concept but rather as a complex web of choices and consequences. Ender, the main character, is forced to grapple with morally challenging situations, such as the use of violence for the greater good. As a ten-year-old, Ender faces immense pressure to win battles and protect humanity, often at the cost of sacrificing his own morals. This dilemma prompts readers to question the limits of moral responsibility and the ethical implications of Ender's actions. …show more content…

Ender possesses exceptional empathy, allowing him to understand and connect with his adversaries. This empathy becomes a source of inner conflict for Ender, as he realizes the devastating consequences of his actions on his enemies. Card's portrayal of Ender's struggle highlights the importance of empathy in decision-making and urges readers to consider the humanity of their opponents, even in the midst of

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