English 100 Reflective Essay

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For English 100, upon successful completion of the course I was supposed to understand different course outcomes. To be exact there are ten different course outcomes that I should have learned. In this class I should have been able to fulfill each course learning objective and use things we did in class and past work as evidence. The first course outcome is Purpose of the writing task. I felt like I did succeed in reaching this objective. I wrote many essay and writing assignments to inform, to entertain, describe, persuade, or to compare different things. An example is reader response three. In reader response three I wrote the response comparing two different jobs and how I communicated at each job. The next course outcome is Position/Main Point/Message. I feel like I did complete this objective because reading things out of the book in …show more content…

A specific example is an in-class homework assignment activity 5 on page 90. In that activity, I had to identify different things and answer question based off an essay in the book involving the message and main point. The third course outcome is awareness of audience. I do feel like I completed this objective because in class we talked about when we were writing, who our audience is. I learned in class most of the time our audience was our teacher who I was writing to, but if I had to present something our audience would have been our classmates. Also, we discussed in class that when writing we have to think about what our audience knows and does not know about our topic. The next course outcome is engagement with peers. I feel like I did this course outcome the best. Usually for every essay except for this one we did a in class peer review and provide feedback to others and became very familiar with the peer review process. The fifth course