English Language Learner Necessities

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English Language Learner Necessities
ELLs must have the same standards as native English speakers but formatted to their English abilities. Teacher must be able to accommodate the needs of the students to be able to effectively improve their English proficiency and their understanding of the material. Szpara quotes from another author stating, "According to Wright (2003), accommodations are change in content or other attributes that do not lower standards or change grading procedures…" (Szpara, 2017) Developing teachers with the right tools so that they can provide their ELL students with better tools to succeed in their classes could lower the drop-out rate. Roy-Campbell examined that teachers must draw from the ELL student's knowledge to …show more content…

Teachers need to understand the actuality of the ELL student's English level to build upon their English skills effectively. Michelle Yvonne Szpara explains "Content area teachers, administrators, and policymakers often confused conversational fluency with academic language fluency, and mistakenly assumed students who could informally chat about personal topics could also read, write, and converse about formal academic language." (Sparza, 2017) By teachers creating the discrepancy between assuming their ELL student's English level find it difficult to improve their English proficiency because ELs start faking that they understand and try to fly under the radar. Without the understanding of ELLs proficiency leads students to drop out of high school because they are not getting the necessary attention. With the enactment of CCSS came into the classroom, federal and state governments are not providing the necessary support to better help teachers educate this specific subgroup of …show more content…

The study, "What Support do Teachers Need to Help Students Meet Common Core State Standards for Mathematics?" were asking whether teachers were incorporating CCSS to have math in other subjects. The conclusion was that most of the teachers did not how and did not have enough information. (Hamilton, Kaufman, Steeher, Naftel, Robbins, Tompson, Garber, Faxon-Mills, Opfter, 2016) According to the Common Core State Standards specifying to mathematics, "Therefore, the development of the standards began with research-based learning progressions detailing what is known today about how students' mathematical knowledge, skill, and understanding develop over time." (corestandards.org) The study showed that the non-mathematics teachers were less familiar with the standards than were the mathematics teachers. (Hamilton, Kaufman, Steeher, Naftel, Robbins, Tompson, Garber, Faxon-Mills, Opfter, 2016) That showed that there is a need for professional guidance to explicitly show teachers of other subjects what the expectations are from CCSS to make sure that they are addressing the necessary