English Reflection Essay

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Throughout the semester course of English 150, writing and research, I have learned my strengths and weaknesses, learned how to complete a proper research narrative and project, and grown exponentially in my writing. We have been assigned more than ten assignments including papers, posters, and presentations. All of which include writing in some way whether it be literally writing a paper, collecting information to add to a poster for a presentation, or preparing a PowerPoint slideshow to prove a point in an argument or discussion. I have always deemed myself to be a pretty good writer overall with few weaknesses. Writing is something I am rather passionate about, but also never spend my own free time writing whenever I could. Therefore, I …show more content…

I, then, write a short and simple outline, usually just bullet points consisting of the topics I will be discussing, and three bullet points underneath discussing the main point of the topics. In English-150, we have been expected to write an outline and a first draft for every paper we have written. This was extremely helpful to me because it set up the overall guidelines for me as organization is something I know I have struggled with in the past. At the beginning of the semester, we were assigned our first paper. The topic of this was to introduce ourselves and to talk about what our strengths and weaknesses were, and what we hoped to learn throughout the course. When the papers were returned, I received a 90% and a comment stating “Great Job overall! A few minor issues.” I was happy with these results not only because I received a good grade, but because there were edits on my paper that I could use to better my writing in the future. In the first paragraph of my introductory essay, I wrote, “A few of my weaknesses include oral communication such as presenting and written communication.” This was one of the two errors marked on my paper, and just from that, I have learned that when I am stating two things and give an example of one, I should give an example of the second as well. When I am writing, I often times forget that I should be writing in a way that the reader will understand me, not only