Environmental Effects Of Acid Rain And Coal In The United States

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The problems of our Earth are various, but pollution is one of the greatest factors to the issues that impact the health of living organisms like the humans. First of all, According to national geographic, the health concerns are asthma, respiratory diseases, cancers, heart diseases, and much more. These health concerns can cause serious problems for humans. Secondly, the main focus of my essay is acid rain. Acid Rain damages rivers, forests, lakes, buildings, and much more. Lastly, the main source of acid rain comes from large power plants in the United States. My main focus is on the power plants that burn coal in the United States. In summary, air pollution cause health concerns for humans; for example, acid rain damages rivers, forests, …show more content…

An interesting fact is according to EPA, Acid rain results when sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) are emitted into the atmosphere and transported by the wind. The sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form sulfuric and nitric acids. These then mix with water and other materials before falling to the ground. In this quote, acid rain is when sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides transmitted into the atmosphere and travel through the wind. Sulfuric and nitric acid are formed by the reaction between sulfur dioxides, nitrogen oxides, oxygen, water, and etc. This will mix with water and other chemicals leading to falling to the ground. Another good piece of evidence is the cycle of water. “Water can be in the atmosphere, on land, in the ocean and even underground. It gets used over and over and over again through what is called the water cycle. In this cycle water changes from liquid, solid and gas (which is water vapor). Water vapor then gets into the atmosphere through a process called evaporation. This then turns the water that is at the top of oceans, rivers and lakes into water vapor in the atmosphere using energy from the sun. This vapor can also from snow and ice too. The water vapor rises into the atmosphere and there it cools down and forms tiny water droplets through something called condensation. These then turn into clouds”( Cool …show more content…

The water vapor will rise up to the atmosphere, which is called evaporation. The water vapor in the atmosphere will decrease in temperature, and the water vapor will turn into water droplets. This process is called condensation. These water droplets will turn into clouds, and as the clouds increase in size, the water droplets will fall to the ground, which is called rain. The sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere will combine with the clouds in the atmosphere. This will cause acid rain to fall to the ground. Last of all, according to EPA, normal purify drinking water is at a pH level of 7, and normal rainwater is at a pH level of 5.6l. On the other hand, acid rain has a pH level of 4.2 to 4.4. The sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides will combine with clouds in the atmosphere, which it will cause acid rain. In short, the sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides will combine with clouds to fall from the sky, which has a pH level of 4.2 to