Environmental Issues In America Essay

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In America everyday, we produce so much trash, that is equivalent to the weight of the Empire State Building. This includes 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour, enough styrofoam cups to circle the world 436 times, and enough office paper to build a wall 12 feet tall from New York City to Los Angeles. We have a huge swirling deposit in the Pacific Ocean that is two times the size of the continental U.S. We have many environmental problems including carbon dioxide levels and emissions, deforestation, loss of species and pollution of freshwater. These problems lead to global warming, government regulations, and problems with those regulations. U.S. manufacturing companies have been helping out by making many things more efficient and eco-friendly. But is it enough? We could …show more content…

According to studies done, the environment in American has improved greatly since the 1970s. We are getting better in many aspects of environmental issues we had, but could still use more work. We have been improving our environment in the last couple years, because people have become more aware of how our environment was declining, and are now doing things to help. Something that we are now doing to help the environment is people are recycling things that can be recycled (although we could still do a better job at that than we are). Also, we are driving more fuel efficient cars, which people mostly drive to save their money rather than help emissions of greenhouse gases. They are called greenhouse gases, because they rise to the atmosphere, and trap in the heat, like a greenhouse. Now with that, greenhouse gases are the reason for global warming. Global warming is threatening to us in many ways. Some of the impacts it will have on us are wildfires, drought, and extreme storms. (#3) Ongoing effects of global warming will increase sea level due to melting glaciers, and kill many arctic habitats for