
Erikson's Stages Of Development

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Erikson has discussed human is development throughout his stages. Humans undergo many changes such as behavioral, biological, and cognitive. In each stage kids go through development stages to help them create their personalities and actually know the person they are growing up to be. These stages go into details with learning new things whether we are ready for it or not. Each stage explains the positive and negative attitude for each individual; however we attend to learn from every stage to become the person we are today. These stages take us step by step to learn and develop during our life time. To begin with stage trust vs. mistrust goes from birth to 1 ½ years. When parent respond to a child is needs in a caring manner, the child …show more content…

inferiority; this stage goes from 6-12 years. At this point kids are trying to look older than they are. As humans we learn as we grow. Like the any other stage this stage has positive and negative outcomes. For the positive outcomes it’s all about development of sense of competence. However the negative outcomes talks about feelings of inferiority, no sense of mastery. This stage covers up the early school years. It’s also characterized be new social things. At this point children start to learn their skills and figure out what they are good in. such as communicating with different types of people or moving ahead. Kids tend to work hard on their own progress. I was so focus and school. I would stay home and do my homework instead of going out to play. My mom talked to me about how focus and mature I was. I was the only girl so I didn’t really like to play with my brothers so I would always do my homework or play …show more content…

role confusion, this stage discussing the awareness of uniqueness of self, knowledge of role to be followed. At this they try to figure out who they are and try to fitting with the world around them. At this point in my life we moved out of our country we came to America. My dad used to live here. He has his work and career here. It was really hard for us to come here. We stared to live our live as beginner’s new house, new friends, and new school. I hated it at first but I got used to it. Around all this time my grandmother died. It was unexpected. I loved her so much and I will always do. Everyone is affected by certain people or individual that greatly changes their life. Many people influenced me during my life. Throughout every body’s life there will always be a person who they look up to and admire, who had influenced them to change their life. She was that person. It was a hard and emotional time. Her death assured me that life is too short. At the end, we are left with memories. No matter how long the time is it always not enough. Being a witness to my grandma’s death helped me learn this, and has made me stronger. We been through a lot but that’s the only age I would never

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