Erikson's Theory And Parenting Stages Of Development

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Based on Erikson’s theory, the belief is that personalities are developed in a series of stages. Each stage in Erikson 's theory builds on the preceding stages and paves the way for following periods of development. In each stage, Erikson believed people experience a conflict that serves as a turning point in development (Cherry, 2017). In the first stage, 0-1 years, babies learn to trust that their parents. I develop trust from my mother as I relied on her for my most basic needs. Creating that bond during breast feeding. I truly believe that this is where the first bonding occurs between parent and child. I can most certainly say that all my basic needs were met through my mother. My father wasn’t an active role in my life. In the second stage, 1-3 years, children begin to develop independence. These years I developed a sense of personal control such as potty training. My success lead to feelings of autonomy. During this time, I also went through what is known as the “terrible twos", where I displayed defiance, temper tantrums, and stubbornness. This is typical for this age. The third stage, 3-6 years, children continue to develop and start to do things of their own initiative. This play age allowed me to gain a sense of purpose and control of what I thought was my own little environment. I began copying and experimenting with the blueprint for what I thought was how adults were supposed to act. This caused confusion in my development because we were bouncing house to