
Esid And Van Gogh: The Movement Of Narrative Art

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The Movement of Narrative Artworks Feelings can be hard to express, especially when communication is essential. Some people hide feelings while others send messages to communicate them. Starry Night, is oil on canvas painting made in 1889 by Vincent Van Gogh contains the value of movement that expresses feelings in lines and colors while Workers of Cairo (2007) a photograph by Syrian photographer Osama Esid represents the non-movement of Egyptians in dead-end jobs. The purpose of the representation of the Egyptian man is to illustrate an historical event while the Starry Night expresses the depression the artist feels. Esid and Van Gogh convey different stories about movement, using the techniques of line and color to tell the narrative. …show more content…

Van Gogh used lines and colors to call attention to his depression and make his work more clearly indicative of his expression at the time. One way that Van Gogh uses line is through his heavy application of outlines on the olive tree that reaches the sky in the lower left side of the composition, representing his desire to escape his loneliness. The curvy faded lines in the left side of the composition are conveyed of the feeling of depression and fear that the artist faced. Moreover, the colors reflect the line’s expression, which emphasizes how Van Gogh communicates through lines. For instance, the artwork contains a dark town that is concentrated through Van Gogh’s use of natural light. The different volumes of the animated colors in the blue sky and the yellow color of the moon represent the lose of hope .Van Gogh focuses on the nature to present his emotion wisely. For example, the moon and the stars are more exaggerated to show that they unable to give a strong light to the town. Despite the fact that the shiny stars and moon contain bright colors, the darkness of the town is still representation of loneliness and lack of hope. We also can see the blue dark mountains behind the town, which reflects disappointment. Therefore, lines and colors have major consequences of movement expressions that it is a narrative

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