Weight Lifting Research Paper

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9 reasons why women should lift weights
Weight lifting is traditionally regarded as activity of the male specie of the human race. Except for sports personality and gladiators, women were sot supposed to lift weights and instead do less straining exercises like jogging and aerobics. However it has been established that women too should do this kind of exercise since obesity is very unhealthy and is the leading course of preventable death on the globe. Women are known to have less anabolic hormones and are therefore less masculine than men. This is reason enough for women not to fear weight lifting since they won’t get bulky. It is also important to lift weight to prevent the natural course that result from ageing. The frequency should be …show more content…

This is usually in the form of fat deposits around the belly. Resent studies have revealed that resistance training is just as good as aerobics exercise when it comes to fat loss. Too much weight can damage your joints and makes movement a bit harder. A resent study carried in 164 women in 2006 showed that those who did resistance training gained less belly fat over a period of one decade compared to those who did similar amount of aerobics. This can be attributed to the fact that it is your muscles that are responsible for your metabolism so the higher the muscles, the more energetic you become and this can only be achieved through weight …show more content…

Resistance training is said to improve the general blood flow to the limbs much better than aerobics do and the benefits in the cardiovascular lasts even longer. The fat deposits on the walls of the heart are easily molten away by weight lifting making the pumping rate to be within the desired range. This can help reduce chances of conditions like cardiac arrests and high blood pressure that will in turn reduced chances of brain tumor. Weight lifting is known to be part of cardiac rehabilitation program that is recognized by health experts.
5. Reduces stress
Resistance training helps the production of endorphins which are neurotransmitters that are known to make you feel good. When training you tend to meditate while in motion and this goes along way in helping you to relax and forget your mind problems since your focus is usually on the training. This enables you to remain calm and clear. The training can lower the symptoms of depression and anxiety and can give you a sense of command over your body and life in general.
6. Can help to keep off chronic