Essay: A Closer Look At Driver's License

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When I started this essay, my original topic I was curious about were driver’s licenses. To get a more narrowed topic, I decided to research about young adults and teenagers, and I was curious about young adults obtaining their license. This narrowed topic made me wonder why teenagers are not getting their driver’s license right away. Key terms I thought about in this topic were young adults, the United States, Millennials and Generation Y. To start looking for a scholarly article, I started with OneSearch. I first started by searching “Driving License” but I did not find anything intriguing that I was able to relate to. Multiple topics that would appear were about driver’s licenses outside of the United States. To make it more specific, I did a more advanced search, by typing in “Driving License” AND “ The United States of America” AND “Young adults.” After searching through different articles that came up on my screen, I found the perfect article, “Delay or Forgo? A Closer Look at Youth Driver Licensing Trends in the United States and Australia.”
The article I read about was about 7 pages long. When reading the first few pages, I thought the readability was average. The vocabulary in this text was quite tricky. For example, the author would use words like socio-technical …show more content…

In the article, there is a chart from 1995 to 2013, which shows the percentage of 16 year old drivers, 18 year old drivers and 24 year old drivers. For example, 41% of 16 year olds were driving in 1995. When those 16 year olds reached 18, 44% of them had their driver’s license, and when they turned 24, 86% of them had their drivers license. As you look at the chart, you see that the rate of 18 year old drivers declined from 74% to 60% between 1997 and 2011.This backs up our thesis because as the years go on, the younger Millennials are not urging to get their