Essay About Hmong Culture

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Had a conversation with some associates who wanted my input on what I was told as a recent issue in regard to the bashing of the “ Hmong men and the Hmong Culture.” So I’m going to write it down here for those individuals to read. I could care less about how you feel. first: there is nothing wrong with dating or marrying someone outside your own ethnic group. I have Hmong associates, both men and women, who either are married or were married to individuals who are not Hmong.
However, all the posts my associates have shown to me on Facebook pertaining to Hmong “women” preferring to date outside their own ethnic show nothing more than blatant display of lack of education and a sense of entitlement.
One post made reference to how the individual prefer to date a “white men” because she can stay home and cook and clean whenever she wants without feeling obligated to do so.
Another post made reference to how the individual left her boyfriend of multiple years to date a Filipino man, which resulted in her “ living in a niceass home with her bf.”

My fellow Hmong people. It is what it is. I challenged anyone to tell me that those individuals have an education level that supersedes a high school diploma. The irony is, you think you don’t have to cook and clean. But that is far …show more content…

Are you going to move your parents in with you? I highly doubt it, judging by the posts. But that is what we Hmong people do for our parents. Our parents sheltered us when we were young and ignorant. We take care of them when they are old and unable to provide for themselves. That’s why most of us live with our parents during marriage even when we are financially independent and can move out on our own. You may not be able to comprehend this, but it is the unspoken cultural obligation for the Hmong people to provide for their elders when they are old, or sick,or about to kick the

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