Essay About Lacrosse Game

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The sport of lacrosse is a fast action, rapid paced game involving loads of running and precision movements. Playing lacrosse is my favorite sport because, it brings together my friends and me, it keeps me in stay shape, and keeps me disciplined and motivated for school.
Every lacrosse practice brings together a massive group of friends to a place where we can be ourselves, and cherish an extravagant game. At school I never get to be myself fully, however out on the field surrounded by teammates, I can be myself and not worry about anybody judging me or putting me down. The team doesn't always start out being super friendly, although in the middle of the season the team usually becomes a family after bonding throughout the season. The best parts about playing lacrosse are the away games. The trip to the game usually involves a few hilarious acts on the bus, followed by the older guys passing down stories, then just random amusing …show more content…

Every practice involves non-stop running to the point of exhaustion, while working on quick agility. After every lacrosse practice players are usually confined to the ground, or breathing like they just ran a marathon. Identical to soccer, lacrosse involves accelerated sprints back and forth between down a pitch. Therefore, the team who can run the fastest controls the game, which is why lacrosse coaches push their players to extreme lengths. The usual practices don't just involve sprints, but ladders and reflex drills along with sprints. Just when practice seemed to be over, the words “Eagles,” were shouted it would cut down the team’s happiness. Although the training throughout the season would be brutal, and cause a tremendous deal of pain, enduring all of it for the end goal is well worth all the