
Essay About Moving Away

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“I hate school! Mom, c’mon. Do I really have to go back?” “Yes Ethan, school is good for you.” “It’s not good for me when I have no friends. I don’t even know anyone here! They’ll probably treat me good for a few days, if I’m lucky. Then it will go back to the way it was before.” “Just give it a chance Ethan.” “Ugh.” I stormed back into my room furiously. I know I’m a nerdy kid who would rather just play video games all day. And I’m not much of the ‘athletic’ type, plus I wouldn’t be one to go to for perfect grades. But I still want friends. And exactly my luck, right when I started to ‘move up the ladder’ at school, surprise! We move towns, yet again. I’m really tired of this whole moving situation. It’s really not fun to stay at a school for 6 months or so, then pack up and leave. Let’s see, this makes 7...8...9 times, nine times we’ve moved …show more content…

I realized how much I haven’t made of my life. I was always so scared of what was around the corner that I just kept walking the same hallway. I regret not living my best years like they were the best. Josh moved away 3 months into freshman year and I became more popular. People started to realize who I really was. I started playing sports, and working hard with school. I dedicated all my time to try and be the absolute best. By senior year I was 5’9, 175 pounds, and the top athlete of my whole school. I had a story, I had finally found out who Ethan Willard was. Towards the end of senior year I visited the 5th through 8th graders. I told them my story, and how I had gotten through things. I even went to some kid’s houses that were experiencing the same thing and told them everything I’d been through. From all of the moving to how I was treated. They’d listen and you could tell by the look in their eyes they understood. I was invited back to Bridgeway Middle School every year after that. I was so proud to help kids realize not only what life is worth, but what you can make of

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