
Essay About Moving To America

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It was 1914, I had to quit my job and leave my family when I got told I was going to be in the war. I didn’t want to leave but I knew I had to. I had to do it for my family and for my country. Finally, on November 5th, 1918, we got a letter saying it was time for us to leave and go home. This was very exciting news because I finally get to see my family again, I haven’t seen them for 2 years. I wrote to my wife and told her I would be home November 11, 1918. We started our journey from Europe to America. This took us around 8 days to get back to America. When we finally made it, we were in New York. I had to travel from New York to Wyoming. It took me three days to get back to my family. I finally got to see my family again.
My wife says that everything changed once I got back. …show more content…

We moved from Wyoming to Oregon. We moved because this is where I grew up an where my wife grew up. Both of our parents and siblings live there. We had one little car so we could only take limited things. We had to strap most of our stuff on the top of the car. It was a long journey. We had to travel over one whole state and half of oregon to get where we are going. It took us three days to get to Bend Oregon. We had limited amounts of money so we couldn’t stop to eat very much. We did have to stop at an Inn one night to stay. Everyone was so excited when we got there. My sister and her kids and my brother and his kids. We were all together for the whole day. My wife and I bought our house there. And I finally got a job. After a few months we were there my son got a job and a wife. And now has three kids. My daughter moved out a couple of years after we lived there. She got a well working husband and now has two children. We all live in the same town. We are all together on Sundays for church and dinner. We are mostly together all the time. I lived the best life ever. I'm so glad I got the chance to be in the war, and raise kids and have beautiful families

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