
Narrative Essay On Texas

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Although my family went through tough situations to get to America and live in a stable economy my shyness has impacted me and those around me by . My family came here from Mexico which is a tough country to live. My mother and father didn't want to have a family in mexico because there's a lot of horrible things that happen their like gang related activity, drugs, and prostitution. They didn't want to raise kids in that type of community so they packed their bags and traveled to America because they heard their was a better future for kids and good education. They were also trying to own better resources and have a better stable life.When they first arrived to Texas my mom’s brother helped them out with getting settled in america. On …show more content…

I was very shocked with so much sadness in my soul i wanted to beg him if we could stay but he said no cause he found a better job their and my mother agreed because she wanted to see her brothers.We had to give our two dogs away and we had to pack soon. In my mind i was already hating Texas and i wasn't even there yet. I felt like i was losing everything on sight. But i wasn't we were just moving to a new place. On 2011 when we were on our way to Texas I loved seeing so many things i've never seen before. We passed so many states and so many cities that I just wanted to explore each and every one of them. I was bummed out that i left all my childhood friends and dogs in North Carolina. When we showed up to Plano, Texas it was different than i imagined i thought people in Texas rode horses and had dirt roads like in the cowboy movies i use to watch. But i was wrong it was bigger and noisier with a lot different places to eat and explore new sights. Texas was like a big hit to my chest because i felt like a new person in a new world. When i first started school in Texas i had to get used to the curriculum because it was different from where i was before. I didn't have a lot of friends when i first got to Texas my inner self closed up on everything and everyone around me. I was a really shy kid when it came to talking in front of everyone i kinda still am but i think it's because i

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