Essay On Spanish Speaking Countries

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Like most language sharing cultures, analyzing the separate governments in Spanish speaking countries shows a great deal of diversity between them. Each unique in how they are ran, the powers their leaders hold as well as several other more specific characteristics. Practically all modern Spanish speaking countries began their existence as colonies of Spain in the colonial period of the new world (1492-1832) so It’s interesting to see just how different each country wound up after gaining its independence. Much like siblings, each country ended up better or worse than one of its counterparts for any number of historical factors, some showing a similar state of being to the democratic United States, others appearing more like a totalitarian dictatorship. According to PlanetRulers, an informational website created and updated by the Patterson School of Diplomacy, all but three Spanish speaking countries fall into free or mostly free democratic based governments. These nations, while similar at a glance have many small differences between them, for example Peru and Uruguay are …show more content…

The vast majority operate under American shaped an protected democratic republicans, although throughout the years some have been worn down with economic crisis and cruel leaders. It’s hard to say if others will follow their lead into totalitarian rule, or if those nations corrupted by their dictators will revert back to a free state in the coming generations. As for the place each and every one of these nations were birthed from, the great nation of Spain continues to enjoy one of the most peaceful and gracious periods in its existence. The crown retains its importance and the people remain free. Though the language each nation shares is the same, and through their cultures show many similarities, their governments truly show just how unique each spanish speaking country really