Essay Compare And Contrast The Governments Of The United States

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I have chosen to compare and contrast the governments of the United States of America and Ireland and provide an overview of each, which somewhat resemble one another in their current state. Regarding the United States it is a constitutional government; meaning that it was created by way of a written constitution that was finalized (ratified) and consisting of seven articles and 27 amendments on June 21, 1788, which became the foundation of the government effectively on March 4, 1789. However, it is considered a federal republic. Accordingly, the constitution called for a system of checks and balances within the government, thereby creating three separate branches to ensure no one had complete power solely (Martin, 2016). The branches consist of: • Legislative – Congress, which has two independent bodies known as the Senate (with 100 members) and the House of Representatives (with 435 members). These entities have elected officials that represent each state in the union and make the laws governing the nation. Congress can pass laws, but the President can veto it making it null and void. • Executive – Consists of the elected leader of the country known as the President who serves a four-year term and may not exceed two terms or eight years, who is charged with enforcing the laws and determining what they feel is best for the