Essay: Help Create Our National Anti-Bullying Guide

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Help Create Our National Anti-Bullying Guide
Would you like to help support the Anti-bullying campaign? We would like for you to help us out. So here are some interesting ideas, bullying is a very bad situation all around the world, there are over 3.2 million students who are victims of bullying each year. So out of those students at least 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying, This situation not only fits for high school students but from k-12 graders. Whenever there is bullying at least 71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem. This is also causing 1 in 10 students to drop out of school because they get bullied repeatedly. Approximately over 67% of students think that schools respond poorly to bullying, …show more content…

It was a hard, difficult, and very sad because no matter what happen I fought through it when no one was there to help me get through the situation because I did not tell nobody”. So it all happen because I lost a fight, “which come on let's be honest, it was something stupid and childish”. So ever since that day I would get pushed around, get called names, and people would throw stuff at me, which made me really upset and did not want to go to school no more. But I kept going to school even though I was still getting bullied. So it got to the point where I sick and tired of getting bullied, I was so close to go telling the teacher, but if I did that It would have made it worse. So what I did is that i stood up for myself and I told them, “yall need to back off because I don't care if you keep bullying me, but I will just ignore, then you will be looking like idiots making fun of someone who is not even paying attention, So quit being immature before I actually go tell the teacher”. That day I was really scared what I had said to them, But it worked and they never bothered me again. I’m telling you this story because most kids will not stand up for themselves because they are scared that their situation will get