Essay On Adolf Hitler Anti Semitism

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Adolf Hitler based his political career off of one central belief, Anti-Semitism. These beliefs were developed prior to world was one while living in Vienna, an area with prevalent Anti-Semitism. Hitler thought that people could be separated based on their race and that conflict existed between these different races. Hitler believed that the Jews were biologically and racially separate, therefore making Hitler’s hatred of the Jews unusual. Hitler based his soon to be formed political party off of the idea that there was a biological struggle for supremacy over the entire human race between the Jews and the Germans. Starting all the way in his first ever public Anti-Semitic writing he stated the “total removal of Jews” was the primary goal of Anti-Semitism. By accusing the Jews for the economic crisis that existed in Germany as well as their …show more content…

The war had left Germany with high inflation and severe unemployment and poverty, leaving the nation with only one subject to blame: the Jews. By helping Germans recover from the feeling of defeat that existed after World War I, Hitler was able to gain German supporters for his political ideologies that targeted the Jewish population. Eventually by 1933, this political party became the only existing party in Germany, eliminating any other political parties from the nation. Hitler used his great oratory skills to appeal to the patriotism of the German people. His oratory skills allowed for him to influence the opinions of the German people during anti-Semitic speeches. For example, in his “Why are We Anti-Semites” speech, Hitler used his oratory skills to force the public to believe the Jews were the true enemy. Hitler also gained many supporters by promising to escape the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles. His goal to stop reparation payments was especially