Limbo In The Caribbean

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Chapter 1 – History of African Slaves Limbo is heavily influenced by African culture and its idiosyncrasy. This is due to the presence of African Slaves that were present in Trinidad and Tobago during the 17th – 18th centuries. Due to Trinidad and Tobago’s colonial past, the African slaves were brought to Trinidad by neighbouring French colonies to work as domestic assistants. Under the order of the King of Spain, José de Gálvez in 1783, under the Cedula of Population; he ordered the colonization of Trinidad and Tobago by the French. Initially, The African slaves were only to be used as domestic help, however, the upsurge of sugarcane production herald for a larger workforce. Hence, African slaves were then forced to work on these plantations. …show more content…

Although only under 300 years of existence; Limbo has made several socio-cultural progressions. This dance, in the early twentieth century, was performed during the ceremonies of the dead. In many cultures, following the death of an individual, there are functions called ‘wakes’. This is a period in the evening where friends, family and well-wishers gather at the house of mourning. This brings a sense of social status to the family and also allows a time for expressing grief for the departed. The ‘dancers’, usually male mourners, bend backwards and make their way under a bar which is held up by two other metal staffs. At the time when Limbo was only performed at wakes, it would be performed for nine nights. Each night, the bar would gradually be raised. On the first night, it would be set to the lowest level per night to symbolize the raising of the soul from the …show more content…

It has even progressed to become part of a number of American based syllabuses. Origin of the Name Limbo This topic is quite fascinating and elicits a number of speculations. One theory is that the word limbo is simply a matter of the limbs forming a bow in passing below the pole. Many have suggested this was the contributing factor for its name from time to time. Another explanation is the name is similar to having a limber body to perform the dance – Limbo and limber seem a logical relationship to them. Other researchers have and exponents have given this matter serious focus and analysis. They are inclined to believe that the name Limbo demonstrates significant religious connotations. Limbo has to be seen in the light of religious beliefs that were forcibly imposed on the slaves by their masters. Particularly around the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, with a heavy Spanish and French influence in Trinidad, the dominating religion was Roman