Japan's Shrinking Population Analysis

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Japan is considered an old man in today's society and leader in terms of aging population demographics. David Swinbanks, the managing director Asia & Australasia Region at Nature America, Inc, explains Japan's demographics, "The population of people over 65 will rise rapidly to 32 million by 2015, constituting a quarter of the population, while the working-age population, aged 15-64, that has to support them, will fall from 87 to 76 million." The population of people over 65 is rising rapidly to the point in which they outnumber the working age population. Japan is a "shrinking, graying society with young people crushed under the economic burden of providing for the elderly" (Smith). Japan's population is headed for economic and social disaster as the population shrinks and workforce diminishes, however, …show more content…

"Japan's Shrinking Population." Bloomberg, Bloomberg, 25 Apr. 2017, www.bloomberg.com/quicktake/japan-s-shrinking-population.

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Smith, Noah. "A Nation of Immigrants Needs More Immigrants." News Journal (Wilmington), 01 Mar, 2017, pp. A.8, SIRS Issues Researcher, https://sks-sirs-com.ezproxy.library.nashville.org.

Swinbanks, David. "Japan's Demography Poses Questions for Old and Young Alike." Nature, vol. 385, no. 6615, 30 Jan. 1997. ProQuest Central, dx.doi.org.proxy.library.vanderbilt.edu/10.1038/385379a0 p. 379.

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