Essay On American Education

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Countries around the world participate in studies of student academic test scores. The reports from the studies show how the countries compared to one another. They report what categories each country excelled in and where they could use improvement. Although the United States has a strong educational system, there are some areas in the academic testings that need improvement. “Trends In International Math and Science (TIMSS)” for instance, is a study that the United States participates in, which showed that the students from the United States tested dramatically lower than the Japanese in math and science. Other testings showed the United States were stronger academically in general knowledge questions. The quest for the perfect educational …show more content…

Church or other organized groups and activities are more prevalent than sitting down with their children and working on academic studies. The article, “New Math-Science Study Rates U.S. Students Mediocre At Best” by William S. Robinson advises that there are many students in the United States that have only one parent in the home, and the students are in daycare or after school programs that prevent them from having good study habits and more time to work on their homework, “Strengths, Weaknesses, and Lessons Of Japanese Education” by James Fallows, students from the United States do not have the social pressures that Japanese students have on them regarding their educational status, however, the American students are not as driven to succeed because of the lack of parental support and guidance and over all lack of importance viewed in the American nation for education goals. Although the United States rank low on international test scores, the students excel in school by other standards due to freedoms to choose how and what subjects they want to study and in many cases, where they want to study them. Japanese students have no freedom to choose and all subjects are studied together at the same time and place throughout the