
Essay On Animal Testing

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Animals have been tested on throughout the history of medical experimentation; as early as Aristotle (384-322 BC) and Galen (129-199 AD) who conducted animal testing to learn more about anatomy, pathology, physiology, and pharmacology (Hajar 1). Animals are used to “understand basic biology, as ‘models’ for studying human biology and disease, and as test subjects for the development and testing of drugs, vaccines, and other biologicals...to improve and advance human health” (Biomedical Research | Animal Use in Research 1). Specific animals are preferred in certain areas such as dogs, specifically young beagles, that are used for cardiovascular research and genetic research. Cats are used for neurological, respiratory, and immune system research, and nonhuman primates are used in research on vaccines, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, aging, and …show more content…

This practice is immoral because people are wasting the lives of the animals they are testing. Despite 115 million animals used each year, only twenty-five new medicines are approved, and the US drug industry invests fifty-billion per year in research. Also, the approval rate of new medicines is the same from half a century ago. People are breeding animals merely to test them, and the animals are then killed when the researchers have used them to their maximum potential (Cruelty Free International 2). To be models, animals are subjected to invasive procedures. These include surgeries, injuries, burns, force-feeding, blood draws, deprivation of necessities, sedation, and exposure to toxicity (Cruelty Free International 2). The animals are not capable of saying no, so they are tested on and tortured. These researchers will never know the animals are suffering and are not consenting to the procedures because the animals can not tell them, the sole reason animal medical testing is

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