Baby Boomers

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It is important for a company to know the differences in marketing products and services to these different targeted customers because every generation has slightly different preferences and values that makes them unique. For every generation they have similarities within that generation that a mass majority of them share. For example, For Generation Z, they all have a lot of technology at their fingertips and therefore they can easily get access to information. This makes them a lot smarter than a lot of previous generations at a young age because of their ability to access any type of information at any moment on their portable devices that they have had since they were young. Baby boomers, born from 1946 to 1964, were born in the era where …show more content…

As children of the generation that had a significant increase in marriage and having children they ironically were also significantly high in divorce rates. The society was focused more on adults during generation x’s childhood and therefore they were more neglected and without parental supervision. Since parents were getting divorced there were more households where both parents were working and therefore the children were unsupervised after school. Some children ended up despising one parent because of the fact that the parents were split up. A lot of children were raised by afterschool programs like latchkey and raised by television programs like MTV. Generation Y, born from 1980 to1994, are characterized by a rise in digital and social media, technologies and websites. The rise of the Internet age. The world became more connected and people got an information influx. They are also characterized by the alarming percentage of them that graduate college with debt. Generation Z, born from 1995 – 2009, have grown up with advanced technology and social media and they are used to and comfortable using them. Things like cell phones, social media, touch screens, etc. are what Generation Z has always had since a young …show more content…

Bill and then in their old age they used a lot of the social security leaving the next generations with very little comparatively. Products targeted at baby boomers might be things that are more high price or leisure like pet grooming products, boats, expensive cars, houses etc. Generation X is still very much family oriented just like their parents so products marketed to them may still be very home oriented. However, generation X does not have the same big budget as the baby boomers so the products may be something like low cost homes, cheaper cars, etc. Millennial’s are prone to buy things like computers, tablets, and phones because they grew up in the rise of the Internet age. They also are categorized by all of the student debt they have from attending college so they will not be as likely to be targeted for expensive cars and homes. Generation X are more focused on trips and experiences than physical products. They do not care for homes or cars as much as previous generations. They already have had all the devices and technology since a young age so they want to travel the world and live life, but only to be able to post it on their Instagram and Snap chat