Essay On California Drought

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Throughout the years California has been suffering a drought. In the beginning of 2012 California had an abundance of rain and in fact had a storm that flooded many parts of northern California said by Philip Ross in the article Current California Drought Is Driest In State’s History; Scientists Fear ‘Megadroughts’ On Their Way. Also seen in the California weather blog, An overview of California’s ongoing and extraordinary drought: a tale of exceptional dryness and record warmth, California had the driest start on record in the last 118 years due to the ridiculously resilient ridge (or RRR). The RRR is a region of high pressure over the northeastern Pacific Ocean, this high pressure forces storms to track well to the north. pushing these storms …show more content…

A drought can last for days, months or even years. The drought in California has began since the late 2012 and the beginning of 2013. There have been many drought in California two of the most significant drought began in the year 850 A.D. that lasted 240 years and another that lasted 180 years. But lets look at the present where a state which contains 39 million people are now facing a 4 lear long drought that started in late 2012. It may not seem like much but the fact is that we depleted more than half of our emergency reserves said in the article The Californian Drought by Pacific …show more content…

In the article, “California drought: Brown orders 25 percent water use reduction” by Peter Fimrite, Melody Gutierrez, and Victoria Colliver stated, “Gov. Jerry Brown ordered California’s first-ever mandatory water cutback, imposing a 25 percent reduction to force residents and businesses to significantly tighten up water use.” The drought is so bad that the governor has now ordered us to reduce the consumption of water. “Using water-saving techniques can save you money, and diverts less water from our rivers, bays, and estuaries which helps keep the environment healthy,” according to Energy Star's information website. Conserving water isn't just for the environment and the drought, but can also benefit homeowners to save money. “use your essay for this

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