
Essay On California Drought

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Kostyrko, George. "Top Story: Californians Save 1.1 Million Acre-Feet of Water, Urged to Stay
Focused on Conservation." Top Story: California Drought. N.p., 25 Feb. 2015. Web. 23
Mar. 2016. .
This article discusses how California is slowly meeting Governor Edmund Brown’s goal for conserving water. The population has been reducing water use by about twenty percent since June according to the state. Also, the conservation of water rate starts decreasing during the fall and winter season because people use less water. The article also states that California is to continue conserving water as best as they can. Even with the rain and snow, the state does not know if the drought has become less severe until later, so it is important that everyone …show more content…

After Governor Jerry Brown’s orders to reduce water to help the drought, the water control board developed certain reduction plans for each water supplier in the city. The reductions for water ranges from eight to thirty-six percent for each supplier. The author also states that if California started reductions earlier when the drought started, the drought would have slowly improved due to changes in water usage. Since California put these reductions recently, there would not be any major changes in the drought. Lastly, there will be consideration from cities for different forms of water rationing as …show more content…

Due to the recent rain, the state chief believes that the drought will finally be getting less severe. The article also gives data on how the rain has improved the lakes in the drought, and how much water was recorded. So, some of the water officials of the water believe that water restrictions and regulations should ease, since the rain has been coming. Unfortunately, this means that some of the water targets for reductions have fallen. As a result, there are still questions on whether the state should ease the limits of water usage in California due to the recent

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