Persuasive Essay On Mojave Water Drought

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The Mojave Water Adjudication takes care of San Bernardino County as a state water contractor. Our imported water is very scarce because residents use more water than what is replaced. The High Desert is a naturally dry environment where limited rainfall and snow produce an inadequate natural supply of water. The more of our regular supply that we save underground, the more water we will have when we enter another drought season. Sadly, California will see more droughts due to such hot and dry summers. Water is one of the state's most troublesome political issues. Due to the lack of water during a dry season water is limited resource especially in the Mojave Basin. This is an ongoing debate is whether the state should escalate the rearrangement of water to its large agricultural and urban areas, or increase conservation and preserve the natural ecosystems of the water sources. …show more content…

Usually 30% of the state's water supply comes from groundwater. The underground water that is limited especially during droughts. Sometimes groundwater usage can expand to 60% or more which is highly critical. The state of California is known for having at least 450 underground reservoirs. Unfortunately, not all of the water is useable because some of it is contaminated or poor quality. The water is also expensive to access which is why it’s only used when there is a severe drought. Even though California sets laws overriding surface water usage and quality, there isn’t a statewide policy for groundwater management laws. The big amount of water below the surface has assumed raises to the delusion that groundwater is a renewable resource that can be used at any