Essay On Civil Rights Movement

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For my social movement I have decided to do is the civil rights movement because I believe that the aim of the civil rights movement can be related to taday as today we read many articles of AMERICA and racism even if only subtle such as university students calling on the police for back students who happen to be or sleep in the resting lounge of the instituition , I want to discuss the civil rights movement and the roles and imoacts that the movement has had on American history because the civil rights movemt is similar to the south African apartheid in many ways .The civil rights movemnts was put in place to ultimately stop segregation of the races and stop racism in America where racism was embedded within the culture to the point that …show more content…

Within the Civil rights movement there are many heroes such as Malcolm X , Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. I think it is important to aknowledge the powerful things our black brthers and sisters have done because we are constantly told otherwise , even if jim crow and apartheid is not in place , we are still taught that the whiter you are the better , even South Africann beauy standards are centred around Euro-centric looks , we can compare these people to our very own African heroes such as Nelson Mandela , Winnie Mandela and even Adichie Amanada with her powerful novels of the upliftment of Africans and the message of how we are worth more than we think.. One of the most famous or well known civil rights activist in America. is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr . (Madeline Schwartz ,2016 , ND) During the less than 13 years of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s leadership of the American Civil Rights Movement achieved more progress toward racial equality in America than the previous 350 years had produced. Dr. King is widely regarded as America’s pre-eminent advocate of nonviolence and one of the greatest nonviolent leaders in world history even winning a nobel peace