Essay On Conflicts In America

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Conflicts in America Americans tend to disagree on many issues ranging from equality to who is sovereign over what. Politics and government aide in the resolution of some issues, or at least aide in creating peace amongst individuals, groups, cultures, and the States. Most of the tensions today in the United States can probably never be fully resolved because there will always be an opposing viewpoint or a favoring viewpoint to conflicts. A majority of these opposing viewpoints come from a majority and a minority populous. One of the biggest issues faced in America today is the degradation of the Constitution and the idea of who is sovereign over what because many individuals don’t share the same viewpoints on this issue. The issue of sovereignty dates back to before the Constitution was even ratified when Great Britain tried to be sovereign over a new land that was overseas. As the tension between Americans, then still Brits, built between colonists and the Crown, the crown eventually sent German …show more content…

The main struggle on ratifying the Constitution came from the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists disagreeing on sovereignty. The Federalists wanted a strong, sovereign, central government and were wholly in favor of the Constitution. Anti-Federalists opposed of a sovereign central government arguing that a strong central government would erode the sovereignty of the States and the common person, eventually taking away a person’s rights and liberties. Anti-Federalists would only agree to ratify the Constitution if a Bill of Rights was in place before ratification – and while Federalists disagreed on the notion of a Bill of Rights, they eventually allowed it because they agreed that a dual soveriengty (which forged a relationship between the States and the National Government) was better than no