Essay On Cultural Norm

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With how society has been evolving with most people living their lives on social media, it 's hard to dictate a cultural norm because we have a two main groups of people. Those who can interact and socialize effectively and those who cannot. It is far too easy nowadays to just be able to hop online and set up a dating profile and just allow a computer to match you with someone else, you don 't have to truly interact and break through awkward first impressions when you already have their bio, picture, and interests all lined up for you. People no longer need to introduce themselves to someone and they can communicate easily via messaging. They can calculate their responses through text and essentially pretend to be someone their not so you …show more content…

People are far too comfortable with who they meet online and take them for face value when you should always dig deeper into these people. I met my boyfriend online and have not been happier but I was also smart enough to look into every claim he gave. I looked up where he said he worked, his sisters/mothers names on Facebook, where he went to school, and numerous other things. Online dating made me more careful but I was also not looking for anyone when I met him. People who sign up to these dating sites and applications are always looking for two things; a sexual relationship or a long-term relationship. Those looking for a sexual relationship do not take into account diseases, the possibility of liars, or actual age and these have been the factors that have ruined a few people 's life. Those in search of a long-term relationship are usually willing to look past red-flag indicators such as only one picture, inconsistent stories, no Facebook/other social media pages, ect. so they put themselves more at risk of someone being a scammer or wanting to cause them harm. People when looking for mates these days are too quick to hop online then look at a social media page and see pictures and things they 've posted then just feel an …show more content…

You can not find a potential mate from 140 characters and a 50 character bio that is half emojis. You can not find true love by dating someone online and only ever emails. You have to really get to know someone rather than relying on the internet to show

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