Essay On Cultural Norms And Mental Health

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As of recently, mental health has emerged as a topic of concern across the globe. The stigma surrounding mental health impairments is progressively fading, and an increasing number of individuals are now comfortable discussing their strifes with mental wellbeing. However, the increase in the number of people encountering mental health difficulties is a cause for worry. Today, mental health illnesses are unconventionally prevalent, with disorders such as depression and anxiety impacting millions of individuals worldwide. Regarding the source of mental health issues, the causes behind the rising frequency remain complicated and multifaceted. The purpose of this particular study is to investigate the various factors contributing to the rise in …show more content…

In particular, cultural norms can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, especially among marginalized groups who may experience systemic bias and discrimination. For example, the stigma surrounding mental illness in some cultures can lead to feelings of shame and discourage individuals from seeking treatment. This development may contribute to a lack of proper care and worsening symptoms of a mental health disorder. Moreover, cultural standards that place a high value on achievement and success can lead to burnout and stress, particularly in high-pressure industries such as finance and law. These cultural standards can also contribute to imposter syndrome, a phenomenon where individuals feel like they do not deserve their accomplishments and are afraid of being exposed as a fraud (Cokley). In addition, cultural standards and beliefs surrounding body image can have a significant impact on mental health, particularly for women. The thin ideal, which is prevalent in Western cultures, has been linked to higher levels of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviors (Tylka). Moreover, the emphasis on physical appearance can contribute to feelings of low self-esteem and reduced self-worth (Tylka). Overall, shifting cultural standards and beliefs can have significant negative impacts on mental health. It is essential to challenge cultural norms that perpetuate negative mental health outcomes and promote healthy attitudes and beliefs surrounding mental health, body image, and