Essay On Democratic Party

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As horrible as it sounds, I have never taken a step back to figure out where I actually stand politically. I just have never really cared about the issues in America. Everyone around me has all of these opinions about what is happening in America and I have just been living in my own world. If I had to pick where I stand politically, I think I would be a part of the Democratic Party.
The Democratic Party fits me best because I agree with more of their policies more than I agree with the Republican Party. The Democratic Party in my opinion, is way more laid back. They believe in things and push for: same sex marriage, pro-choice, the legalization of marijuana, and more gun control. One issue that has affected me personally, is same sex marriage. Me being a gay black male, it is nice to have a Party that works for me and wants me to have the same equal rights as heterosexual couples. I find it interesting how the Democrats are using their position in same sex marriage to get a boost in the polls. For example, “Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring …show more content…

Democrats are pushing for more gun control because right now it is too easy to get a gun in America and the open carry laws are personally scary. For example, some college campuses offer the right for students and teachers to carry around firearms on campus. This is scary for me because I personally don’t think college students have the maturity to carry around guns and the last place I want to be is on campus around a bunch of “trigger happy” college students. Democrats are fighting to make everyone have to get a background check before being able to purchase a gun. Hillary Clinton pushes for gun control saying, “How many people have to die before we actually act, before we come together as a nation?” (LA Times). Republicans complain that having stronger gun control impacts their God given rights as Americans to bear