Essay On Depression In America

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Depression is a common issue that is faced here in America and one may wonder what depression is really about. There are many types of depression that will further be explained later in this paper to be able to show the different types of depression one may be facing while going through them. Many often go through depression because of one high standard set for themself but it is mainly something that is experienced because of the pressure one faces as an individual in today's world. Suffering anytype of Depression is a serious issue and is something that one should acknowledge and address for themselves or a loved one to be able to support and guide them in their battle.
Living with Depression
Depression is a common …show more content…

It is a debilitating condition that can make even the most basic daily tasks seem overwhelming and insurmountable. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to depression, including genetics, environment, and life events. Despite this, depression is highly treatable, and there are plenty of resources available for people struggling with this condition. Depression comes in many shapes and sizes and it is a disease where many are not even aware they may be facing. Depression affects 10 Americans in their lifetime; it can be shown and seen in others in different ways and every human goes through different experiences that shapes the way they continue to fight with this mental disease. In America there are many forms of depression, one being what is called major depressive disorder, Postpartum disorder, seasonal depression, bipolar depression. All of these diseases have different effects on how it affects one's life as an individual. Depression is something that cannot be taken lightly and is something that we as a society should become more informed about because it can slowly progress and it can cause someone to lose their life. Depression is a tough issue to be brought up because of the reactions one will get from society …show more content…

Postpartum depression is seen in mothers who have given birth and many are left with the sense of emptiness and loneliness. Someone who is going through postpartum depression can go through this for weeks and is a very difficult situation that one is put in. Suffering from Postpartum causes one to react irrational because the hormones of a woman who just gave birth are irregulated which can cause them to cry or have random mood swings (Mind,Mood & Memory, n.d., 1). As studies show ten to fifteen percent of mothers who suffer from depression take the antidepressants and it works for them (Mind,Mood & Memory, n.d., 1). Someone going through seasonal depression is like a phase that one goes through and it is not classified as one of the major depressions. What Seasonal depression does for a patient is where one is feeling a moment of sadness but one just feeling the warmth of the sun can change the way one reacts and it tends to go away because the sun reminds them of happiness (Mind,Mood & Memory, n.d.,