Essay On Discrimination In Health Care

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Accessing health care can be challenging for some individuals, but it is near impossible for transgender individuals. Discrimination in the healthcare field is a frequent experience that is well known to the transgender community. Healthcare is a fundamental human right and should be easily accessible for everyone. However, health care is denying access or taking away coverage altogether because of a person's identity. The transgender community is being harassed, disrespected, and put under high amounts of stress and anxiety when trying to access coverage or trying to find a professional who will see them - set beliefs aside. I have prior knowledge that the transgender community is heavily discriminated against when one is trying to obtain …show more content…

Bryce is a transgender male who recently came out to me in November of 2016. For Bryce - and for anyone who is in their transition, is it important to make them feel as the male or female that they were transitioning to. However, health care professions attack them with insensitivity and unprofessionalism and openly deny their dissect information. Since then, Bryce has encountered many obstacles that includes discrimination and harassment from people who are supposed to admit to professionalism and are supposed to be there to provide help. What Bryce needs is basic health care coverage and a doctor so he can continue to transition. However, there are problems that appear and it can be challenging for him and others like …show more content…

The pharmacist he goes to will not recognize his name and would prefer to call him by his birth name, even when he explains to them that there was a name change by the court. They deny to get his name changed on their records. With knowledge that he is transgender, they will then ask him very personal questions about his body in public and choose to use she/her pronouns. Bryce explains, “They are not disrect about it. They will say words like ‘boobs’ and ‘vaginia’ right to me where I and everyone behind me can

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