Write An Essay On Dyslexia In Schools

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Dyslexia is a learning disability which is most noticed by difficulty with words, spelling, reading, written prose and sometimes with arithmetic. Dyslexia occurs in spite of normal teaching and is independent of socio-cultural background or intelligence. A dyslexic individual does not hear or see images in the normal way. This is to say that a dyslexic individual has a difficulty processing what they hear or see than how a normal person does.
Dyslexia in the classroom requires a teacher to be more active when it comes to helping a dyslexic. This is because dyslexia can’t be cured but it can be elevated to a point where a dyslexic is able to understand or even get better. The purpose of this paper is to look at two inclusive practices used to accommodate people with dyslexia in schools in Botswana.
According to Mr. Chuma of Bakgatla Special Unit, to help a dyslexic individual has a strategy that he calls …show more content…

He said he gives his dyslexic learners some extra time after learning to make sure that they are able to understand well the content that was being discussed. He said he gives them extra lesson during the evenings and during weekends to make sure that these learners will not be left out during the rest of the subject. This is because a dyslexic takes time to understand materials. In his book Osmond (1993) compares a dyslexic to a tv which is perfect but receives bad pictures from the ariel that is not quiet focused to the transmitter. This means that a dyslexic experiences when it comes to processing what they see even though they are well intelligent. So as a teacher it takes more effort to make them to be able to understand the content well. Mr. Chuma said it is no good shouting to a dyslexic to concentrate because they are still going to give the same results. So he found it fitting that he takes time with the learners and make these extra lessons to help them to be on the same pace as