The Benefits Of Drumming

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Besides our maze, we would like to suggest another teaching aid or game for young children who have dyslexia. Our suggestion is drumming. Drumming is one of the way where children can express their feelings through beating the drum and listen the sounds based on their different sounds. As we know that, children who have dyslexia usually have the difficulty in reading. Well, to some people, children who have dyslexia sees something as a visual issue. Therefore, we have decided to suggest drumming for dyslexia children. For an example, on the side of the drum, we can include the letters, pictures, and words for them where they can read and learn the words and pictures. Besides that, inside of the drum also, we can have a board game …show more content…

Drum circle technique have been used in working with children who experienced emotional and behavioural difficulties. For an example, when the dyslexia children get emotional with any situations, they can release their stress or angriness by beating the drum. Besides that, they also can be socialize with the drumming by beating their own cord or the cord that the like. When they love to drumming, they will started to socialize with others because they have experienced on their drumming. In a Music Therapy drumming Intervention in Support of Children with Developmental Dyslexia, Amir, 1999 stated that “through the use of the drums the child can experience a sense of relief through the release of energy.” Because of this physical and emotional release that can be experienced, the techniques drawn from drumming can also be used along with other types of therapy approaches to develop the social and emotional development of children. However, it made a clear healthy expression and emotional releases experienced through using or having the drumming …show more content…

Mostly, dyslexia children won’t have self-confidence due to difficulties in pronunciation in words. They will see the words all like moving and upside down. Through this drumming, children can able to practice them in reading or pronunciations the words. The educator and parents can help them to teach for read the words and play with them using the drums. In psychosocial theory by Erick Erikson’s, the Industry Vs Inferiority said that the experience of industry, mastery and competence vs. lack of industry and feelings of failure and inferiority are central to a child’s healthy development. In light of this theory it is distinguished to suggest the playing of complex rhythmic patterns may allow a child without previous musical talents to experience success and high levels of self-confidence. This will help them to increase in self-confidence and may also encourage their confidence in their own self-efficacy to grow through a creative and interactive interference, which promotes second-hand and enactive learning. Oaklander (2006) supports, “the importance of a child having experienced mastery and emphasizes that a child cannot achieve satisfactory sense of self without having had adequate experience of