
Essay On Evidence Based Practice

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Evidence-based practices are the policies, strategies, and programs that have been proven by evaluation research to be effective in accomplishing the specified objective. Furthermore, evidence-based practice includes conducting cost-benefit investigations that consider whether the investment of resources contributes to effective outcomes and increases the efficiency of the justice system. Unfortunately, these methods are not being currently used within our Canadian criminal justice system. In fact, many initiatives do not include an evaluation segment and, in those comparably few programs that are being evaluated the influence on operational practice may be minimal. There are many problems that face developing evidence-based practice in the …show more content…

A way that the criminal justice system can overcome this barrier is to engage in awareness campaigns by informing policymakers of the utility of evidence-based strategies. Continuing, another challenge evidence-based strategies face are concerned about cost, because evidence-based practices new, start-up costs will in increased and can cause resistance from the general public. Fortunately, cost-benefit analysis can demonstrate that the start-up costs are less than the costs for the continuation of ineffective practices. Another challenge that evidence-based practices face is public desire for retribution, since, the public may want certain offenders to be punished and evidence-based policies can appear to be merciful. On the other hand, even less severe sanctions are experienced as punitive by offenders leading to the recession rate decreasing. Furthermore, evidence-based practices encounter a challenge with complacency among line staff due to some workers implementing policies may be older practices. To counteract this, leaders must demonstrate how and why practices will make the life officer's’ job more practical without increasing stress or

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