Against Evidence Based Management Essay

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Morrell, K. & Learmonth, M. (2015) Against Evidence-Based Management, for Management Learning Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 14, No. 4, 520-533. The research analysis demonstrates peer emulation is distinguished by narrowness in the term of “constructive evidence” that restrict the ability to understand the diversity of problem management studies (p.520). They describe Evidence Based Management (EBMgt) and omissions, things which may be harder to see from within the research. Through the study Comparative case analysis of evidence based approach in non-formal education find that the dominant approach is seriously flawed. Furthermore, findings explain serious inconsistencies in Evidence Based Management. Developing areas to scrutinize and challenge its claim (p. 521). Evidence Based Management struggles with questions of ethics and politics because alongside the narrow of evidence, is a narrow view of …show more content…

Furthermore, this repeatedly displays itself through an inability to respond to criticism. The flexibility to confront opposing viewpoints and eliminates the diversity of frames and issue that characterize any context (p. 528). Finally, managers, employees, or members of society must weigh the case evidence with an open mind and do so following evidence-based principles. Using its own principles of evidence based is a compelling reason for a transparent approach. Evaluating Evidence Based Management teaching with its inconsistencies and narrowness, should receive more research study to interconnect with different professionals. Rynes, S., L. & Bartunek, J., M. (2017) Evidence-Based Management: Foundations, Development, Controversies and Future. The Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior Vol. 4, 235