
How To Write A Developmental Review Essay

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This developmental review aims to reflect on key learning and experiences. When reflecting it is important to consider the different types of knowledge, including “formal knowledge”, “practice wisdom” and “personal knowledge” (Cocker and Allain p11 2011). Formal knowledge can be theory and research, personal knowledge is gained through using theory and case experiences. Practice wisdom is judgements I am able to make through consolidating experiences and making professionally evidenced judgments.

To help me consolidate my knowledge and experience I have used Dreyfus and Dreyfus’ model (1986 as cited in Cocker and Allain 2011 p11). The model helps to demonstrate how people acquire skills. It has helped me to evidence which stage of the model I am working at. As a newly qualified social worker the initial stage I am working at the “competence stage”. At this stage I engage in decision making and make connections with previous experiences. I am able to see patterns in situations to inform practice, I am conscious of my practice and do not have the flexibility of a proficient practitioner. …show more content…

This was my first statutory role working with adults. On starting in post I had a meeting with management to develop an initial plan for my first year. This identified my specific learning and development needs. Including further safeguarding work and specialist training to develop my knowledge in adult social care. Following this I attended the basic level 1 POVA training and completed a specialist two day training course in undertaking POVA investigations. Following this I was able to work adult safeguarding cases and completed a POVA investigation. From working POVA cases I have identified gaps in my knowledge, specifically mental capacity and best interest training. These are prominent issues when working with adults who lack capacity and mental capacity assessments and work are

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