The phrase "Made with love" has been used thousands of times by thousands of people to portray how a creation came to be. But when it comes to factory farm animals, this phrase is the farthest thing from the truth. Most people are buying meat from stores or restaurants having no idea the horrors that lie behind their purchase. Americans have the luxury to imagine that food is coming from a kind, safe, loving place, but the reality of it all is that factory farm animals are treated worse than the cockroaches one might smush under their boot. Collective Evolution has written that over 80 percent of antibiotics in the Unites States have been fed to livestock. This means that the conditions in which these animals are being kept in are so horrible that they need antioxidants to stay alive. Not only that, but some …show more content…
Americans spend so much money on meat ("if you bought 2 pounds of ground beef each week, it would cost you an additional $260 to $310 per year..." (Consume Reports)) that it would cause middle-class to poor citizens to no longer be able to purchase meat if the prices went up. The amount of money spent on meat and vegetables is already leading people to fast food restaurants, the USDA cannot raise meat prices. Factory farms also provide a faster product, making sure that shelves are always stocked. Since popular demand is that waiting for food is not okay, the factory farms work to accommodate for that standard. The factory farms do this by having animals grow at faster rates and generating food faster. Factory farms help society have an easier time by following the standard of living and meeting people’s needs. Without factory farms the food shortage of 2050 will happen and the American population will be immensely struggling. Since the factory farms produce animals quick and cheap, the food in 2050 will be able to be spread throughout America at extremely fast