Essay On First Amendment

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"The first amendment can only protect us to a certain point and the main question is: ‚ÄúTo what point should this amendment protect us?‚Äù Every day, we go online to do homework, call a friend, and etc. Every day when we state our opinions, we are being protected by the first amendment. But the first amendment might also be protecting cyberbullies. Even if it didn‚Äôt the bully could easily say that he or she was just kidding. Cyberbullying, bullying online is a big issue, especially for teens. It can occur in social media, a text, or an email. The internet has made it so easy for the bully to do this without any witnesses. An email or text is private so no one can stand up for the victim. Because adults can‚Äôt see or hear this, it‚Äôs harder …show more content…

The first amendment shouldn’t protect cyberbullies and bullying, in general, should not be allowed.
We go on the internet a lot. Every day, we check our emails, chat with a friend, post on social media, and etc. Since the internet has made so many things much easier, using the internet has become harder and harder to avoid. Net neutrality was a principle that kept the Internet provider from analyzing and manipulating the data transfer and was a set of rules to the internet in order to preserve its freedom and openness. As we streamed on a site, the provider couldn’t make it slower because the website didn’t have the paid privilege. On December 14, 2017, net neutrality was ended. This means that companies can scrutinize the sites you view. They can make some sites load faster than others based off of whether or not the site had paid them. These companies might block any news with them looking bad, the viewing of another provider’s website, or they might block sites so the sites would pay them more money. The net neutrality principle should be restored before we get left in the dark, not knowing any of the things that these companies might’ve