
Essay On Gmo Labeling

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Never Bite the Hand that Feeds You
Times have changed over the years. To keep up with the advancements in technology, food has also changed. Biochemist have now found ways to use science in our food, allowing for them to manipulate genetic information to favor a larger, more efficient, and more selective offspring, resulting in a more desirable product, for consumer consumption. However although, science has founded such scientific breakthrough, there is something that still is unnatural about the way man can manipulate our main food source, and if such products are not being labeled and labeling regulations does not implement and reinforce stricter policies by a 3rd party non conflict of interest party, we will be offering sole and full …show more content…

It seems that the more genetically modified and processed food, the more dependent we are becoming on these corporations for food. Less and less food is being grown here in the United States. With more that 70% of crops being grown in other countries around the world, food supply can easily be interrupted and or controlled relying on others to produce it for us. It seems that controversial topic of whether labeling genetically modified food should or should not be required has influence over those who oppose GMO labeling.
For the last 20 years genetically modified food has been eaten, and practiced all throughout the food chain in the United States. Almost everything in the U.S. is genetically modified one way or another, whether the way the food is processed, the seeds to which it was grown from, and whether it was modified in a lab by biochemist. Though such practices have been approved by FDA and continue to show up on our shelves with little to no regulations and or testing, many concerns have been raised to whether or not it is safe for human …show more content…

It seems that the more and more I continue down the grocery isles, the more I feel like the more I don’t recognize the foods, I grew up eating. When did food become the doorway to advertisement and industrial market? So great you can’t find what you are looking for, and so you begin to look at your options. A part of American culture we have a tendency to go for things that are pleasant to look at, and make food selections based on what we see on the box. For this very common consumer behavior, advertising companies have flooded our food boxes with labels, in attempt to attract and persuade our selection. Walking down the snack isle can be overbearingly overstimulating. Labels with bright colors and information all over just the outside of the box, with only one motive, and that’s to persuade, convince, or deceive consumer’s into purchasing their products. The thing that worries me about this tactic, is that of why are they overly labeling and purely focusing on marketing techniques? Where is the information on what the product really is, where it comes from, what ingredients its made with, and how its made? So you flip the box over and you see black and white information, however the information is so confusing and with words containing 15 plus letters, there is no wonder why majority of consumers do not even bother,

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