The Importance Of Greenwashing Advertising

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Do you think the ad exists to divert attention from something else the company does? Do you believe the relevant collateral consequences of the product/service are considered in the ad? Does it seem to you something is missing from the ad?
Greenwashing is like whitewashing with a green (environmental) brush: companies and organizations making themselves and their products sound or look like they’re really helping the environment. And they lure you in — creating the perception that you can help, too. In some cases you are helping. In some cases, it’s greenwashing.
And the challenges of climate change are too important for us to be distracted.
This site is here to make sure that doesn’t happen. Our goal is to …show more content…

The Greenwashing Index is promoted by EnviroMedia Social Marketing with the help of the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. As stated in the Terms of Use, EnviroMedia employees may not contribute or comment on specific ads.
5 green marketing strategies to earn consumer trust
Shoppers are seeking out greener products, energized by the prospects of healthier alternatives, higher quality, preserving the environment and saving time and money. But the "greenwash" phenomenon threatens the green-marketing revolution.
The potential to confuse consumers with misleading green claims is high. Green issues are highly technical, complex and fast moving. When claims are unclear, marketers can be labeled as greenwashers and their marketing as greenwash.
Being perceived as a greenwasher seriously can damage a company's credibility. Unfair or deceptive advertising can expose marketers to legal risks and accompanying expense. The impact of greenwash can hit the bottom line if disillusioned customers shift their purchases to more trustworthy …show more content…

Other strategies reflect the larger context in which green marketing occurs. The following five strategies give businesses steps to win their stakeholders' trust.
1. Walk your talk
A company perceived as committed to sustainability and sound environmental policies gains the good graces of consumers. Companies in the vanguard of corporate greening have many of the following attributes in place:
• A visibly committed CEO. Only a chief executive with a clear vision can make environmental soundness a corporate priority and forge an emotional link between a company and its customers. CEOs at corporate-sustainability pioneers Patagonia (Yvon Chouinard), Stonyfield(Gary Hirshberg), Timberland (Jeff Swartz) and Tom's of Maine (Tom and Kate Chappell) maintain high profiles. Projecting a personal commitment to the environment, CEOs win their stakeholders' trust.
• Empower employees. Bring employees up to speed about climate change, clean technology and green consumer behavior. Identify ways to get